List of 4 Books


List 4 Books

Broc tagged me for this and said, “I thought to myself, if I were stuck with any four books in my library for the rest of my life, besides those essential ones, i.e. Bible, Calvin’s Institutes, Augustine’s Confessions…what would they be?”  Now what four would I take?

Assuming that includes the confessions,creeds,hymnal…

1. Church History by Everett Fergueson – If I only could have four books I would want all the encouragement from past ages I could get!

2. Calvin Sermons on Job

3. Readings In Christian Thought by Hugh Kerr – Primary source material from 100-1968

4. Dragonlance – The Chronicles by Tracy Hickman and Margret Weis

I guess that would be the ones

~ by blahlog on March 5, 2007.

3 Responses to “List of 4 Books”

  1. Yeah it is difficult. I think Calvin on anything would be valuable. I read half of the first Dragonlance book, then I got bogged down with other things. I look forward to finishing it some day.

  2. My wife read the the first book in the serries and began the second and she came to the same conclusion I did and that those books don’t get going until the second book…its like magic how it all of a sudden gets good. The first book is like a necessary preface to get you introduced to the massive cast of characters you’ll have to juggle around for a few books…like any book it will be an uber dive if you just read a little here and a little there…dont read it until you got a weekend to just do nothing but read it.

  3. I forgot to add…IMO the first book wasn’t good at all as a stand alone…you suffer through it…also it helps to remember that those books were written with the D&D roleplaying game and rules in mind, hence the large cast of characters etc…therefore it seems after the first book they had more freedom to take the plot further now that they established the setting, characters, world, etc. I’ve read the 10 of the core books in the main story line and would like to one day dabble in the 100 something rabbit trail storylines that get developed but some of the other authors, especially Chris Peirson’s Kingpriest Trilogy…heard it rivals the mainstory…anywho.

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